cielo24 Media TechTalk Podcast, Episode 002 Title: Improving Lead Generation Using Media Content Transcription Date: November 12, 2020 >> Hello and welcome. You're listening to Media Tech Talk, an ongoing conversation about innovation, resilience, and what's ahead in media technology. I'm Nicole Flynn, your host. I'm a marketing executive in the technology space. Each week we will be exploring the latest trends around how leaders adapt in a disruptive world, and prepare for a brighter tomorrow. We're going to speak to the innovators who are reimagining technology in new ways. Thank you for joining us. Hi there, and I'm Nicole Flynn, and this is cielo24 Media Talk Tech. Today I'm interviewing Chrissy Wissinger, the director of marketing at Prevedere. Thank you for joining us, Chrissy. Thank you for having me. >> I've been looking forward to this, as you know. So Prevedere is a leader in economic insights and intelligence for financial forecasting for companies. And early this year, like most companies, Prevedere had to pivot their lead generation and content strategy due to COVID-19, as I'm sure anyone listening to this can sympathize with. Chrissy, you were instrumental in successfully achieving this feat asked of you, of pivoting content and your lead generation engine. And I believe increasing exponentially the results of your pipeline. So if you wouldn't mind, I would love for you to paint us a picture of what you faced when COVID-19 hit the company in terms of how you course corrected your content strategy. >> Yes, so COVID-19 hit and all of our marketing plans went out the window. We had to take a look at what we were going to do, what messaging we were going to use. How were we going to market to our audience and what was gonna resonate with them? And we turned to our chief economist because he had really a message that people wanted to hear. He gave an overview of what was going on in the economy, he provided some certainty during this uncertain time. And really gave perspective that people needed during the pandemic. So we found that that resonated really well and that people actually really wanted that information. So it not only was getting that particular piece of information out in the form of a webinar, which we did on a weekly basis. But also figure out how to take that same content and repurpose it and get it into the hands of our audience quickly. How could we turn it into special reports? How could we turn it into blogs? How could we use it for social media? And that's when we turned to a transcription service because we didn't have the resources on staff to do this all quickly. So through transcription service, we were able to really expedite that process and repurpose that initial piece of content in multiple ways, and get that message out quickly and efficiently. >> Okay, and you mentioned a few things. But just to get some more detail behind some of this because I find this fascinating, and I've worked with you so I know a little bit about this. But tell us a little bit more, you'd get a transcription from these videos. And I believe are talking about Andrew Duguay, your chief economist, and his team. What would you do with the content itself? What kind of content were you turning it into that was helping you with your lead generation? >> Mm-hm, we would turn it into multiple forms of content. We were finding that people are unique and they were consuming the content differently. So we were turning it into special reports because they might have time to download a report and consume the information that way, or maybe a blog on our website. We would use nuggets of information for social media, just for quick hits as somebody's scrolling through. Just really trying to provide different media that people could consume it in their own time, in ways that they were comfortable in viewing. >> Yeah, no, as a marketer I know and I feel that pain. Some people will listen to an audio podcast, for instance, others prefer video, and other people again like to read. And some people like a combination of these. So I think it's important to consider that recycled use of our media specifically, so great. All right, so this all sounds good, can you talk about cost? What is the real world cost behind, media can be anywhere from five minutes to hours long if you're having, say, an entire day of meetings, etc. So how did you balance costs and what can someone roughly expect? And then if you can, return on investment. I don't expect you to give away your secret sauce and your numbers, but give an idea of the return on investment on those costs. >> Right, sure, well, generally speaking, it runs us about $1 a minute. Normally our webinars range from 15, 20 minutes, not usually longer than 30. So the cost isn't astronomical at all, it's actually quite cost effective, especially when you consider that we're not doing it in house. To have to pull someone off my staff to sit and type something up like that, it would take hours upon hours, and we just don't have the resources to do that in house. So the bang for the buck is incredible when you really consider it. >> Yes, I have, unfortunately, had to transcribe from beginning to end. It was a great assignment that I had and I know enough to know to never do that again. So don't admit it, it's fantastic, yeah. No, that's fantastic, thank you for sharing. I think one of the most important elements that people often overlook right now is social media. And I just wanna add that most people don't realize that social media video is muted. So without captions running across, you're probably going to miss the attention of your viewers as well. So that's another big win there. >> Mm-hm. >> But the transcript and taking that rich data and using it across as many mediums as possible, like you had just said, fantastic. And I'm glad that it worked for you guys, that's a huge success story. And Prevedere, for those of you don't know them, if you're at all interested in forecasting for your business and looking at different scenarios through this recession recovery, fantastic company to work with. Chrissy, and her contact information which we'll link, can get you in touch with the company if you'd like to talk to them. But Chrissy, before we go, cuz I am a believer in short form content myself. Look, you have an expertise here in establishing, I'm gonna say a content engine that works. It's really methodical and you really reuse everything you do to the maximum capacity. And I understand that every piece of content is different, they can't all be used the same. But do you have any words of advice for other marketers out there facing some of these same challenges right now? >> Sure, absolutely. I would say the first thing, and something that I've really noticed, is that people just are desiring authenticity in their communications. I think that COVID-19 is really driving that home. I think that there was a shift in marketing prior, but now people are really looking for genuine communication. And I can tell you when I write messaging, that when I tell you that Prevedere can come into your company and provide a solution that's going to help you navigate these tough times, and that we provide a service that's gonna be beneficial to you and your team, I truly believe that. And I think that comes across in my marketing and my communications. And I think that's important to be at the core of your messaging. And with that, back to these multiple forms of communication, is really meeting people where they are because again, consumers are constantly changing. And the media they're using, it's different one day to the next, and it's really meeting people where they are. It's really identifying your audience, understanding where they are, are they on LinkedIn? Are they on their emails on a Sunday? Maybe they're listening to a podcast, it just depends. But it's really kind of identifying your audience, and meeting them where they are, and having that quality content, that authentic content in a package, available for them to consume. >> Well said. I just have to say when you talked about authenticity from the start, I agree. I don't think there's ever been a time where authenticity is so important as right now in 2020. It's been one heck of a year, safe to say, for everybody, anybody consuming this media. And I think we're to the point where authenticity is so highly valuable. And I, of course, know your content very well and I wanted you to talk because of what I've seen. So thank you for coming on and sharing your advice. I would love to talk to you about other areas of marketing. >> Sure, mm-hm. >> But I think that this is probably all for right now. So thank you, Chrissy, I hope you come back. >> It's been a pleasure. >> Yeah, I feel like there's so much we could talk about too. But everyone, thank you for listening in to this episode. I'm Nicole Flynn and you have been taking part in a cielo24 Media Tech Talk presentation. So until we meet again, bye bye!