Person touching a glass screen with a fingerprint on it.

12 Accessibility Statistics You Need To Know…

Accessibility is a vital part of our digital world and requires a commitment to provide equal access to online properties. Whether you’re looking for reasons to invest in accessibility or justify budgets, this article will dive through 12 of the most pertinent accessibility statistics that you and your organization must be aware of.

Here are the 12 digital accessibility statistics that you need to know:

Website Accessibility Statistics


1. 71% of people with disabilities will leave a website promptly if they cannot access it.


2. 90% of websites are inaccessible to people with disabilities who use assistive technologies.


3. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 2/3 of e-commerce transactions are abandoned by visually impaired people because of a lack of accessibility.


4. 97.4% of the world’s top one million websites do not offer full accessibility.


5. Between 2017 and 2021, the number of ADA-related lawsuits and legal actions increased by 400%.


Video Accessibility Statistics


6. According to Ofcom, 80% of people who use captions do not have hearing impairments.


7. Adding captions to YouTube videos leads to a 7.3% increase in views.


8. In 2020, the top motivator for captioning initiatives was compliance with legal standards.


9. 98.6% of students find captioned videos helpful for comprehension.


10. 66% of videos that aren’t captions are watched until the end, compared to 91% when the video has captions.


Legal Compliance Accessibility Statistics


11. Companies that do not have ADA-compliant websites are turning down a share of a $1.2 trillion market.


12. According to an accessibility compliance report by Ovum, 815,600 WCAG compliance issues were found among Fortune 100 companies.


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