99% Accurate
WCAG and ADA Compliant

Fast Turnaround
As fast as 2 hours, but less than 24 hours on average

Greater Reach to Untapped Audiences

Low Pricing
Industry lowest per minute pricing

Podcasting is growing more popular by the day. Reach new audiences with transcripts and localization.

Captions and transcripts help make your podcast content accessible to everyone – including second language learners and individuals with hearing or learning disabilities. 

They allow your content to be crawled, indexed, and ranked on search engines, increasing your visibility. And utilizing media data from podcasts can significantly improve your content’s performance during search. In other words, it allows your content to be crawled, indexed, and ranked on search engines, greatly increasing your content’s visibility.

Podcast Localization

One of the simplest ways to reach new audiences with your podcast content is to localize it into other languages.  With our end-to-end automation, we can quickly and accurately localize your podcast into a new target language without the need for source files or professional mixing.  

With cielo24 podcast solutions, you can make your content accessible to audiences worldwide with just a few clicks.

Multi-track Podcast Sample

Click settings to enable captions, subtitles, or an alternate language audio track.

Growth Benefits

Captions, transcripts, and localized dubbing help grow your podcast subscriber base. There are many benefits to adding captions, transcripts, and dubbing to your podcasts:


Captions and transcripts help make your podcast content accessible to all people – including second language learners and individuals with hearing or learning disabilities.


Captions and transcripts of your audio content allow your content to be crawled, indexed, and ranked on search engines, increasing your visibility.


Synthetic dubbing with human-powered translation ensures an accurate, professional foreign language version of your content to drive incremental revenue in new markets.

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