cielo24 Webinar Series: Company-Wide Solution: Fully Leverage Your Video SEO Strategy Industry: Media, Enterprise, Education, News, Entertainment,…

A Winning Video SEO Strategy
The Future of Video SEO is Here.
As SEO strategy moves into the future, many businesses, marketers and SEO experts are looking for strategies to grow and reach their audience. While there is no doubt that video is one of the most powerful mediums for connecting with web users, SEO strategy and video were historically not compatible. However, new video intelligence technology through cielo24 now allows for online media and video to finally become SEO enabled, which means the power of video can finally be properly harnessed. Here is how cielo24 is revolutionizing the video SEO industry.
Video SEO Landscape
In the past, it was only possible to search video media through a video’s title and manually entered tags (meta data). That meant that video was hard to access, difficult to insert keywords into, and subsequently challenging to monetize. In response, cielo24 has introduced the ability for customers to make their videos fully SEO enabled (media data), allowing them to transform their unstructured media into fully searchable structured data.
This new approach to SEO can dramatically increase video ROI by helping bring more visitors and improve a user’s experience, and ultimately appeals to a wide array of industries, including education providers, news outlets, marketers, and media producers.
Searchable Captions and Video Intelligence Solutions
With cielo24’s Searchable Captions, it’s now possible to perform a video search of online video with accuracy, which not only means more communication with viewers, but also the ability for web users to find exactly the videos they’re looking for. The best part is that cielo24 organizes the process for each client, providing institution-wide Video SEO solutions that are custom-tailored to each client’s needs.
By providing web users with the ability to search for content within video, cielo24 enables media content to become accessible through YouTube and Google searches. cielo24 utilizes Video Intelligence, which allows for contextual advertising and content recommendations to web users. This can help companies and organizations create personalized topics based on identification-aided metadata.
In addition, the following becomes possible when using cielo24’s services:
- Videos can be categorized and client-defined with ease
- The most interesting quotes and excerpts can be displayed in content descriptions
- Flexible video architecture allows for complete customization of output
- A high degree of configurability through cieolo24’s API Integrate technology
Improving the Video Experience For Everyone
cielo24’s technology isn’t only designed for SEO purposes, but also helps index media, produce accurate captions, and categorize keywords and topics. All of these functions are highly useful for improving accessibility for the hearing impaired and viewers who are watching video in a second language. These factors can even help government and educational entities comply with important regulations, such as the Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Join The Growing Movement To Transform Video Content
cielo24 provides fast, high quality video SEO services that scale at low cost. These services include captioning, transcripts, indexing and media intelligence, all designed to improve the ROI on your media strategy. That might explain why Yahoo Screen, Time, Udemy, the Wall Street Journal, and Funny or Die have all taken advantage of this new technology, allowing them to deliver their media through smart SEO technology.
Consider a free trial with cielo24 to revolutionize the way you deliver media content, and you’ll see why this video SEO technology can help lead media producers towards