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Happy Thanksgiving from the cielo24 Team
Happy Thanksgiving!
We want to wish all of our readers safe travels and a wonderful holiday break with friends and family.
It has been a busy travel week this year. While there are millions of people traveling to visit family, summer still takes the cake for the busiest travel day of the year. According to Troy Green, the national spokesman for the American Automobile Association, “The summertime is worse. There are about five to 10 days during the summer that are busier than Thanksgiving.”
So don’t worry too much if you have to be on the road today, but the avoid the traditionally traffic-y times of day.
What Are You Looking Forward to This Thanksgiving?
We asked some of our cielo24 team members what they were looking forward to this holiday.
Kristen Wells – Content Writer
I can’t wait for the food. I will be restless until I am able to eat some turkey, gravy, stuffing, and my family’s sweet potato casserole. Sweet potatoes, brown sugar, pecans, pineapple, marshmallows… yum!
Nicole Flynn – Head of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships
I have a big family Thanksgiving and I can’t wait to hang out with my nieces. They make me feel like a kid again and all the fun childhood memories come flooding back.
Rich Corsetti – Regional Sales Manager
I am looking forward to having some time off with my kids and battling my brother for the coveted best turducken award!
Nick Bolton – VP of Operations
I’m looking forward to switching out a Thanksgiving turkey with some delicious tofurky. My wife and I are taking bets on whether anyone will notice or bring it up at dinner.
Comment What You Are Looking forward to This Thanksgiving
Let’s us know what you are looking forward to this holiday and what you are thankful for.
Here at cielo24 we are thankful for our employees, customers, partners, and supporters. Thank you to everyone who helps us succeed!
Happy Thanksgiving!