Man Using Digital Devices Looking for SEO Concepts; image SEO

5 Tips for Successful Image SEO

Image SEO is not something you want to leave behind.

Images are no longer simple enhancements for drawing people to your content. Images actually tell search engines and your visitors about your content. Optimizing image SEO is important for enticing readers and getting good search results rankings.

If you aren’t already on top of your image SEO, you can get started with these five tips:

  1. File Name: Image SEO starts with the right file name. You should always include your keywords in the file name. Google and other search engines can’t view your image like a human being, so go ahead and describe to Google what the image is about.
  2. Loading time: The faster your website is, the better the user experience will be and the better indexed your page will be. Images can have a huge impact on loading times. Take a moment to adjust file and image size to optimize loading performance.
  3. image SEO; 10 SEO principles
    This is an example of including captions for image SEO

    Captions: Everyone has seen the option to add a caption when you upload an image; you may be tempted to ignore it.  People actually use captions to gain insight on your page, not just search engines. Next time you upload an image, add a caption.

    Nielsen conducted a report on this exact topic back in 1997: “Elements that enhance scanning include headings, large type, bold text, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, topic sentences, and tables of contents.”

  4. Alt text:  The Alt text is used as an image description when an image is unreadable. Do not skip adding Alt text because Google and other search engines are looking for it. Additionally, this text is read out by screen readers to describe what the image looks like for blind and visually impaired readers.
  5. The “Total Picture”: Search engines are smart! Google is able to recognize elements within your image. Be sure that your images enhance the user experience as well as the SEO performance  Use relevant images that compliment your subject matter!

SEO technology is evolving every day. Optimizing your site images for SEO will further assist Google and other search engines to understand and improve your rankings. Learn more about image optimization here. 

Nicole E. Flynn, CMO at cielo24, is deeply interested in exploring and communicating the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) intersects with various aspects of our daily lives. She is passionate about exploring the ways in which AI can be ethically harnessed to improve the quality of life and make our world a better place. Nicole seeks to educate and inform audiences about the potential of AI technology and how it can be used to drive innovation and growth.