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Facebook Is Launching a New TV App Soon
Keep an Eye out — Facebook Is Launching a New TV App Soon
It was announced in February that Facebook is launching a new TV app for set-top boxes that will allow users to view Facebook videos from their home TVs.
This is a logical next step for the social network, who has been focusing on video and is looking for new ways to sell ads.
Video goes full circle

In an attempt to solidify Facebook as a home for video, Facebook is circling back to the original screen — the television.
Facebook intends for their TV app to compliment mobile video, allowing users to watch any News Feed videos or saved videos on their home TV.
Dan Rose, Facebook’s VP of Partnerships, said,
We want people to be able to consume content wherever they are – whether it’s on their phone, whether it’s on their computer — and TV is just another screen for that.
While this new TV App will feature current Facebook videos and live stream videos, the company is in talks with video creators to license longer video content in an effort to get more TV-style content onto the platform.
Looking for more ad dollars
Advertising is a lucrative business for Facebook — they made almost $6.2 billion last quarter alone. Even though they are doing well, the company is running out of places to insert ads into the News Feed.
CFO Dave Wehner noted the delicate process of not overburdening users with ads,
The optimal ad load is really a mix of art and science. We also want to be thoughtful about making sure each person’s overall feed experience has the right balance of organic and ad content.
To fix this problem, Facebook is turning to video, specifically their new TV app. They hope this will allow them to tap into the $70 billion brand advertising budgets reserved for TV shows.