All about Media Data, and why you should care. Media data is the entirety of a…

Understanding Metadata Compared To Media Data Is Game-Changing
The difference between metadata compared to media data is vital to your online success!
Media data is the entirety of video intelligence broken down to text form. Transcripts, captions, topics, keywords, subjects and AdWords, everything.
And you should care because your video SEO, content and advertising depend on it to be successful.
Let’s dig in.
It may be the most important question you ask yourself. What is media data?
First of all, media data is not metadata. True, they sound similar, but they couldn’t be more different. Metadata scratches the surface of video with some general ideas and categorization. Media data gives you the entire video intelligence in text form.
So, is media data like captioning? Sort of, media data is the raw data where captions come from and all of the context around it; including keywords, topics, entities, AdWords and more.
It should be obvious why media data is especially vital to anyone who wants their video in front of consumers. Think of it this way: Metadata is the About section on your Facebook page. Captions are your Facebook posts before you were allowed to add images. Media data is the whole shebang – your profile, posts, pictures and list of likes.
Leverage your Media Data.
If your job responsibility involves online video, media data is a HUGE step-up in targeting ability. Instead of targeting based on human-added tags, titles and summaries alone, you now allow search engines and viewers alike, access to the entire database of your video in any way you want.
Where once you were playing darts in a dark, noisy dive bar while wearing sunglasses, now you’re firing away in a bright room. And standing much closer to the dartboard.
So, you know you need media data is game-changing, but who specializes in it? cielo24 has made it a core passion to provide clients with a total media data solution; captions and transcripts are just a part of the show. Plenty of other companies produce captioning, but we now know that’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight in the advertising world.
Try cielo24 media data for free to find out more about how simple (and inexpensive!) it can be to get to the guts of online video. Contact Us directly with any questions you may have.