Video Captioning Terminology

Video Captioning Terminology for Enterprise and Education

Useful Video Captioning Terminology for Enterprise and Education

Whether you work in business or higher education, multimedia is ever-present. Knowing what is expected of you when creating videos or other multimedia can be tricky. The list of video captioning terminology should give you a quick glance into the world of accessible video.

Video Captioning Terminology: Captions Need to be AccurateAll educational institutions are required to follow a set of accessibility guidelines and standards. These standards apply to most business and public agencies as well. Even if your business is not required be accessible, it is a good practice to avoid discrimination based on disability and to appeal to the most customers as possible. Additionally, you may be a potential vendor for an organization that is required to meet accessibility guidelines with their multimedia.

Video accessibility guidelines can be found in the following federal laws:

Video Accessibility TermsYou can also refer to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG 2.0. WCAG 2.0 operates as an international standard that many jurisdictions follow and have modeled their own laws after. For example, Section 508 is modeled after WCAG 1.0 and is in the process of being updates to match 2.0.

To help you familiarize yourself with the world of accessible video, we have compiled a quick definition guide to the key terms in this field.

10 Key Video Accessibility Terms

Or view on a separate page here.

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We hope these definitions gave you some insight into the many factors at play for video accessibility. If you would like more in-depth information on these topics, you can download any of our eBooks below:

Nicole E. Flynn, CMO at cielo24, is deeply interested in exploring and communicating the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) intersects with various aspects of our daily lives. She is passionate about exploring the ways in which AI can be ethically harnessed to improve the quality of life and make our world a better place. Nicole seeks to educate and inform audiences about the potential of AI technology and how it can be used to drive innovation and growth.