Captioned Online Video Is Changing the Game for Media Companies At every level, business growth…

Using Linkedin Video Captions and Transcription
LinkedIn is the social network for professionals and using Linkedin video captions and transcription is the next big thing… it’s already here. In fact, 50% of all people with a college degree have a LinkedIn profile and 2 professionals join LinkedIn every second. This equates to LinkedIn being a very desirable platform for organizations and businesses of all types that are trying to spread a message.
Pair that with the fact that 80% of all online activity will involve video of some kind by the end of 2019, and you’ve got a hotbed for potential video consumption.
As with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram– video captions can and should be added to your video content if you’re looking to reach the largest audience and have your message be heard. Most people view videos on mute. Additionally, it’s critical to consider the vast number of people who have hearing or intellectual disabilities who rely on video captions in order to consume the message at all.
LinkedIn does not have an auto-captioning feature. (Facebook is the only platform that offers auto-captioning outside of video hosting sites like YouTube – and Facebook is known for being highly inaccurate to the point of humor.) This means that in order to add captions to your LinkedIn videos you must take a serious of precursory steps. Also, do note, captioned video content can only be added from your desktop account login – not mobile.
Adding Video Captions to LinkedIn Video Posts
- Select the video you’d like to share by clicking Video– located in your LinkedIn desktop share box.
- The video preview will load and then you will click Edit, found in the upper right-hand corner.
- You can then attach your video captions ‘.SRT’ file by clicking Select File, locating your file, and clicking Save.
- Make any additional modifications to your post content and click Post to publish. Captions will be visible upon completion.
Acquiring a Video Captions ‘.SRT’ File Through cielo24
Since LinkedIn can’t auto-caption your content and requires an ‘.SRT’ file, the fastest and most accurate way (also most affordable if you monetarily value your time) is to get a machine or human verified video transcription file through a product like Self Serve.
- Register for a free Self Serve account.
- Upload your video and order captions (starting at less than $1 per minute).
- Make any edits to your transcription with our editing tool.
- Download your .srt transcription file.
A few exciting things to note as you get started creating video captions
- You can upload up to 20 files at a time, and download in bulk, as well, making it easy to manage many video files at one time.
- Captioning can be done extremely fast – last minute even. Machine transcriptions can be processed within minutes, and human-verified transcriptions can take as little as 3 hours depending on accuracy requirements.
- New users also get a free caption and transcript upon registering, which makes getting started on captions for LinkedIn videos literally free, fast, and super easy.

If you have a lot of videos to caption or transcribe, you should consider our Enterprise level solutions that allow you to bundle your prices and access our full suite of captioning, transcription, and video insights features.
With solutions like Self Serve, there is nothing holding you back from amplifying your LinkedIn video content, extending its reach, boosting your video ROI, and greatly improving your video engagement and conversions.
Audio and Video Transcripts and Captions Solutions
At cielo24 we offer a Self Serve web app that allows you to get started ordering video transcripts and captions immediately, without the wait for contracts or quotes. You can select a preliminary amount of free machine-based transcriptions and captions – which provide a lower level of accuracy guarantee, or human-verified transcriptions beginning at less than a dollar per minute. For more information on our video transcription, captioning and video intelligence solutions, contact us online or call us at 1-855-243-5624.
cielo24 is removing barriers to increase video marketing ROI, searchability and compliance for all your videos!
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