Captioned Online Video Is Changing the Game for Media Companies At every level, business growth…

Research Shows Captioned Video Advertisements Increase Brand Awareness
New Research Shows Captioned Video Advertisements Increase Brand Awareness
This week AdColony and Millward Brown released new research that shows that certain brands can increase brand awareness by using captioned video advertisements.
The Study
By analyzing two versions of advertisements, one closed captioned and one not closed captioned, researchers found that captioned advertising outperformed non-captioned video advertising across all focus areas for the companies tested.
These companies included big brands such as Disney, Volvo, Bose and Sony Pictures.
This is big news for brands looking to increase brand awareness on social media, as well as on the various devices used today.
Rob Cootes, director of video and programmatic at AdColony, commented saying,
The research highlights that more and more adverts are being viewed on computers and mobile devices without sound. Brands are tasked with the challenge of producing engaging content that can resonate with consumers, both with or without sound.
Impressive Results
Some captioned video advertisements enjoyed as much as a 26 percentage point boost in intent to find more content. For one particular technology product campaign, using captions to communicate key product features resulted in a 23 percentage point uplift in audience understanding of the core message regarding superior materials and components used.
The benefits of captions also applied to movie and entertainment campaigns. Captioned video advertisements for entertainment garnered an 18.8 percentage points uplift for brand awareness, compared to only an 8.9 percentage points uplift for non-captioned videos.
Cootes explained the positive impact captions have, noting,
The research finds that captioning does work for entertainment and FMCG brands to hit their targets and engage their audience. Imagery is not always enough to help resonate with an advert’s message, so being able to communicate in another way can help to get this message across.
Getting Captioned Video Advertisements
Closed captions are easy to get, but it is crucial for them to be accurate. Free software that uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) can only caption to about 60% accuracy, which is unacceptable if you want to increase brand awareness using captioned video advertisements.
To ensure high-quality captions, companies need to enlist a professional captioning service. These services offer 99% accuracy and quick turnaround times, with many captioning services also providing translations and media data services such as keywords, tags, AdWords, searchable captions, transcripts, and more.
If you are ready to start captioning your videos, you must first establish what your video needs are. Take a look at the list of questions below to get started.
- Volume: How many minutes/hours of video do we have?
- Turnaround Time: How fast do we need the captions to be rendered? Do we want the ability to specify different turnaround times for different videos?
- Quality Level: Do we need different quality levels such as 70% machine generated for search, 95% accurate for internal notes, or 99% for published transcripts or captions?
- Difficulty: Do we have videos with poor sound quality, multiple speakers, heavy accents, or technical/rare terms?
- Language: Do we need videos to be transcribed in multiple languages or translated into any other languages?
- Video Intelligence: Do we want to create high-quality video tags for YouTube, Google search including topics, keywords or Google Adwords?
- Interactive Transcript: Do we want viewers to be able to search and navigate videos through transcripts or tags?
- Video SEO: Do we want our videos to be ranked and discovered by YouTube or Google search?
- Customer Service: Do we want reliable daily support for questions or issues?
- Integration: Do we need the caption provider integrated into our custom workflow via a comprehensive API?
- Video Hosting: Do we use a video platform like YouTube or Vimeo that already has an integration with a captioning service?
- Caption Editor: Do we want to have the power to edit the captions ourselves to make minor corrections?
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