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5 Reasons Marketers Should Use Video Transcripts and Captions
Content managers and marketers are no stranger to the power of video transcripts and captions. Anyone who works in marketing knows that captions help power engagement of video content that already took time and money to create. Aka, ergo, better ROI for your video content investment.
However, there are a few things that content managers, content developers, and content strategists might not understand. We’re here to enlighten!
The 5 Reasons Why Marketers Should Use Video Transcripts and Captions
Getting video transcripts and captions is now crazy affordable.
One of the first roadblocks we see people encounter is really a mental one – thinking that adding transcripts and captions to video is challenging, time consuming, laborious, expensive, evasive, mysterious, like a unicorn in the wild. Not the case. There are so many tools that help make this process fast, easy and super (crazy) affordable. IE our new web app , Self Serve. The point is that video transcripts and captions are there at your fingertips. All you have to do is sign up and grab them.
- Adding video transcripts and captions to your video content is crazy easy.
For starters, using a web app like Self Serve or our Enterprise level solutions will provide the transcript for you (at whatever accuracy level you choose) and embed the captions directly into your video file. Easy peasy. You then need to simply upload your video file and then place the transcript text into the content of your post – wherever it may live. Here’s a more detailed breakdown on how to optimize video transcript usage.
81% of people are muting videos online.
Use transcripts and captions for Video SEO.
The point here is that you :clap: need :clap: captions :clap:. And people aren’t muting video ads like we used to mute commercials back in the day before DVR. They’re not 100% ignoring your ads. If they don’t want to watch them they can easily move themselves along. They’re muting your ads and other online video content because they’re often watching them in public spaces. They want to know what you have to say. But they aren’t about to let Tom, Dick, and Harry know what they’re doing on their phones or laptops just to figure it out. So, make it easy for them to engage. Give them a text based version of your videos to follow along.
Audio transcripts can be unbelievably helpful to your content development process.
There is a big opportunity for content developers to use audio recording and transcriptions during the development process. Recording and transcribing an interview will allow you to better engage with your subject, without worrying about taking detailed notes. And by transcribing online you free up so much of your time that would be spent (ahem, wasted) listening back to an audio recording, searching for the info you need, or transcribing the file yourself. Here’s another blog post you can reference on how to get the best quality audio recording and transcription.
Video Transcripts and captions boost SEO and engagement by staggering numbers.
If you want your video content to show up in online searches you have to caption and transcribe. The web was not built for video. It was built for text. Google and other search engines crawl text only. Without transcripts and captions, your awesome video content will never index. And when you consider that search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%, and that during those searches, 75% never go beyond the first page of results, 60% of clicks are on the top 3 search results, and 70% of the traffic is for videos – you want to show up in search!
Captions also boost video shares by 15%, and 26% more CTA click-thrus. Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs. And video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more.
cielo24 Audio and Video Transcripts and Captions Solutions
At cielo24 we offer a Self Serve web app that allows you to get started ordering video transcripts and captions immediately, without the wait for contracts or quotes. You can select a preliminary amount of free machine-based transcriptions and captions – which provide a lower level of accuracy guarantee, or human-verified transcriptions beginning at less than a dollar per minute. For more information on our video transcription, captioning and video intelligence solutions, contact us online or call us at 1-855-243-5624.
cielo24 is removing barriers to increase video marketing ROI, searchability and compliance for all your videos!
cielo24’s new Self Serve app is easy to use and extremely cost-effective. Within minutes a video can be uploaded to your account and you will receive a free machine-based, searchable transcript with keywords.
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