Choosing the Right Video Transcription Accuracy Level for ADA Compliance

It’s no secret that video transcription accuracy is a necessary part of creating an ADA compliant learning curriculum. But the world of video captioning and compliancy is vast, with many options and available solutions.

How can you know which captioning solution is right for your institution? For example, do you need human verified captioning? Or is machine-based suitable?

High Accuracy Video Transcription – But Why?

Video Transcription AccuracyIt all comes down to your video transcription accuracy level. On September 22, 2016 the FCC issued a ruling that made video programmers and content owners directly responsible for ensuring (and proving) that their captions meet a high accuracy standard.

The reason behind this ruling was to create a user experience that replicates the hearing listener’s “aural experience.” Now imagine your students are watching a video included in your curriculum. Captions are included, but the learning experience changes with just a minor decrease in captioning accuracy:

In order to achieve the best possible learning environment for students of all abilities, high accuracy video transcription is required.

Even if you’re not an organization that is required by law (ADA, Rehabilitation Act, FCC, CVAA, etc.) to provide captions with high accuracy, it may still be in your company’s best interest to provide compliance level captions.

Selecting a Video Transcription Provider to Achieve High Accuracy

When selecting a captioning provider, it’s important to first evaluate your company’s needs. You can start by asking yourself the following questions:

Regarding video:

  • Volume: How many minutes/hours of video do we have?
  • Turnaround Time: How fast do we need the captions to be rendered? Do we need them in a few hours or can we wait a few days? Do we want the ability to specify different turnaround times for different videos?
  • Quality Level: Do we need different quality levels such as 70% machine generated for search, 95% accurate for internal notes, or near perfect for published transcripts or captions?
  • Difficulty: Do we have videos with poor sound quality, multiple speakers, heavy accents, or technical/rare terms?
  • Language: Do we need videos to be transcribed in multiple languages or translated into any other languages?

Regarding intended uses:

  • Integration: Do we need the caption provider integrated into our custom workflow via a comprehensive API?
  • Video Hosting: Do we use a video platform like YouTube, Kaltura, BrightCove, Panopto, etc. that already has an integration with a captioning service?
  • Caption Editor: Do we want to have the power to edit the captions ourselves to make minor corrections?
  • Video Intelligence: Do we want to create high-quality video tags for Youtube, Google search including topics, keywords or Google Adwords?
  • Interactive Transcript: Do we want viewers to be able to search and navigate videos through transcripts or tags?
  • Video SEO: Do we want our videos to be ranked and discovered by YouTube or Google search?
  • Customer Service: Do we want reliable daily support for questions or issues?
  • Account Management: Do we need a service that can provide access and support for multiple departments at our organization?

The answers to these questions will help you narrow your search and find a provider that best matches your specific needs. There are various levels of captioning services available.

cielo24 Video Transcription and Caption Solutions

At cielo24 we offer Enterprise level captioning, as well as a self-service web app called Self Serve.

Our Self Serve web app allows you to get started on transcriptions and captions immediately, without the wait for contracts or quotes. Self Serve allows for a preliminary amount of free machine-based transcriptions, and human-verified transcriptions and captions begin at less than $1/minute.

Enterprise plans are built around your specific needs with the help of an account executive to help satisfy more complex and/or larger amounts of media that need captioning or transcription.  Through Enterprise you also have access to our full suite of video and audio data solutions.

Most universities use the Enterprise level account in order to ensure all the ADA compliance requirements are being fully met. However, the choice is always yours! And the options are there for your personal selection.

For more information on our video transcription accuracy, captioning and video intelligence solutions, contact us online or call us at 1-855-243-5624.  Try video transcription on your own using our our easy, affordable and reliable web app!   Let your message be heard (or seen and read!). For more information on our video marketing, transcription, captioning and video intelligence solutions.

***Video Transcriptions

cielo24 is removing barriers to increase video marketing ROI, searchability and compliance for all your videos!

cielo24’s new Self Serve app is easy to use and extremely cost-effective. Within minutes a video can be uploaded to your account and you will receive a free machine-based, searchable transcript with keywords.   Take a Video Captioning test-drive >>